Friday, March 25, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

YUI Calendar

1. YUI: Using Event.addListener. One Calendar, Multiple Fields

created a variable and set it to null:
var clickEl = null;

use an Event Listener (Event.Listener) using the ids of the input fields:

var ids = ["appoint_date", "interp_date", "service_date", "cancel_date"];
Event.addListener(ids, "click", showCal);

When a user clicks on one of the input fields, the showCal function is called. The showCal function sets the clickEl variable to the id of the “clicked” input field and then shows a YUI Dialog component that contains the YUI Calendar.
function showCal(e) {
clickEl =;;

When a date is selected, the date value is inserted into the appropriate input field:
var selDate = calCal.getSelectedDates()[0];
var dStr = selDate.getDate();
var mStr = calCal.cfg.getProperty("MONTHS_SHORT")[selDate.getMonth()];
var yStr = selDate.getFullYear();
Dom.get(clickEl).value = yStr + "-"+ mStr + "-" + dStr;